The delivery price is calculated during checkout based on your location and the goods ordered. Our basic delivery prices are:
Delivery within USA: $40.00
Delivery Service: Five working days*
* For products that are in stock and the order received by midday.
Some products go through a final configuration and calibration before being shipped. If the calibration labs are busy this can add up to two days on to the delivery schedule but guarantees a fresh calibration.
The EM2030 is best described as an "online" noise monitor. It connects to the Internet over the mobile phone network, regularly uploading its noise measurements to the cloud. You can view the noise reports and control the functions of the noise monitor from a web browser. The advantages of this approach are that you don't have to install any software, can access the reports from anywhere with an Internet connection and can easily share the results.
Meeting ANSI S1.4 to Type 1, the EM2030 measures the sound levels and produces noise reports to the highest standard required by environmental noise regulations and local guidelines.
For indoor or outdoor noise monitoring it can be mounted on a wall using the hardware included or on a mast using the optional "pole mount". You can also mix this noise monitor with the EM2030/P portable noise monitor, connected to the same reporting system.
Our order code EM2030/G includes everything needed for most installations:
The EM2030 noise monitor comes pre-installed inside the weatherproof enclosure. We recommend the use of the enclosure for indoor installations too.
The EM2030 connects to the Internet over the mobile phone network (3G / 4G).
The noise monitor sends its noise measurements to the cloud server over this mobile phone link. Your computer does not have to connect to the noise monitor. You view the measurements by visiting the cloud service web site using your usual web browser.
No, the EM2030 comes complete and ready to go, as long as it is in a region with a mobile phone signal. The price includes the first year of your contract, which covers the use of the mobile network (no extra data charges) and access to the cloud service to view noise reports. After the first year you can choose to extend the contract. The price is shown in the Options & Info box above.
The NoiseMeters order code EM2030/G includes everything you need to install the noise monitor on a wall.
All you need to provide is power, which enters through the base of the outdoor enclosure.
For indoor installations we still recommend using the outdoor enclosure, which is included in the price, as it offers extra protection to the cables and antennas.
The weatherproof box is mounted using the four lugs that are included.
While the images on this web page show the microphone mounted onto the side of the main box, this is not always convenient. The microphone is supplied loose with a 3ft mast. You can choose to mount it on the side of the box, directly to the wall or mounted in some other way. This is usually dictated by the local acoustics as you should avoid reflections from nearby objects.
The only tools you need to view the noise reports are:
You can view the measurements, produce reports and download the data to your computer if you need a local copy. This can be done from anywhere, as long as you have a connection to the Internet and the username/password.
Your online account can handle multiple noise monitors. If you have more than one EM2030 (fixed, mobile or mixed) they will all upload their measurements to the same account for easier measurement management.
You can configure multiple projects within the account and assign monitors to these projects. The reporting system is designed to deal with anything from a single noise monitor to multiple monitoring sites.
Guests can be added to your account and given access just to the projects that are of interest to them.
Noise charts show the sound level changes over time. Plotting the LAeq, L90, L10 and Lmax, this example chart clearly shows the day and night sound levels over a few days.
Charts can be printed or exported into PNG, JPEG, PDF or vector format.
A calendar view gives a summary of the average sound level (LAeq) for the period of interest each day. It indicates if the limit has been exceeded on that day.
Clicking on a day provides a more detailed overview, including the noise limit times and a convenient link through to the sound level charts and noise tables.
Results can also be presented on-screen in a simple tabular format.
As with the Noise Chart display, you can select the dates for the chart and, if you have multiple noise monitors, you can select which one to view.
These tables can be exported for custom analysis.
For noise compliance monitoring it can be essential to know about any problems as they occur, rather than looking at a report a few days later. The EM2030 noise monitors and reporting system can be configured to send you a text message or an email alert when an LAeq limit has been exceeded.
With the standard EM2030 alerts can be triggered from the periodic 1 hour LAeq or 15 minute LAeq. If you need more immediate alerts then this is included with the Audio Recording Module EM2030-AG.
The noise charts can be exported to the standard PNG, JPEG and PDF formats for inclusion in any custom reports generated in a word processor or similar application.
Tabular reports can be exported to the standard CSV format, which can be loaded into Excel or many other programs for further analysis and reporting.
A Class 1 Calibrator should be used to check the function of the noise monitor. The Calibrator emits a very accurate 94dB tone at 1kHz and this is used to check the basic function and accuracy of a noise monitor. Some regulations demand the periodic use of a Calibrator.
For a positive identification of the noise source there is no better way than to listen to a recording. With the EM2030-AG option the monitor can be set to record the audio when preset conditions are met (trigger levels, etc). The audio is automatically uploaded to the server so you can listen when viewing the reports. This option also adds the ability to send immediate alerts when a sound level is exceeded.
When you order the EM2030-AG audio option the price includes the mobile connection and reporting contract for the first year. This costs a little more than the non-audio model due to the much larger amount of data involved.
If you are unsure about your need for audio recording then you can buy the standard EM2030/G and the audio option can be added remotely at a later date.
With the EM2030-O 1/3 octave band filter option fitted the sound level processor splits the spectrum into the standard 30 bands, which are defined by the sound level meter standards. The bands range from 25Hz to 20kHz, more than covering the audible spectrum.
The 1/3 octave band measurements are sent to the cloud server with the rest of the noise measurements for viewing in the online noise reporting system.
Order code EMENCPOLE is for a pole mounting bracket, which will enabled you to mount the noise monitor on a lamp post or similar pole. In the example here the box is mounted on a lamp post with the microphone mounted on the side of the box.
The EM2030 is supplied with a 3m microphone cable. This can be extended to 10m using standard 50 ohm RG-174 coaxial cable.
For cold climates the heater option (order code EMHEAT) keeps the microphone at a temperature to ensure it remains within its Type 1 specification. The heater also prevents moisture droplets forming on the membrane, which would change the microphone's frequency response.
While the heater option increases the power requirements, the maximum consumption is 3W. As the ambient temperature increases the power used and heat generated is automatically reduced.
We recommend the microphone heater for noise monitoring installations where the temperature regularly falls below freezing.
Order code EM2030/G includes the first year of contract, which includes the mobile data plan (for the noise monitor to connect to the Internet) and use of the cloud based reporting system. You can add more years using the EMCONT and EMCONTA (with audio) order codes, which you can find in the More Options box above. We can also provide a quotation for longer term contracts.
Standards | IEC 61672 Class 1 and ANSI S1.4 Type 1 |
Mic. Sensitivity | 50mV/pa |
Mic. Power Supply | Constant current ICP |
Mic. Connection | BNC to BNC |
Frequency Weighting | A-weighting and C-weighting |
Frequency Range | 20Hz to 20kHz |
16 to 121 dB(A) | |
Parameters | Leq, L5, L10, L50, L90, L95, Lmax |
Measurement Periods | 1, 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes |
Data Storage | 5 year (at 5 minute logging) |
Enclosure | IP65 die-cast aluminum inner |
IP65 polycarbonate outer enclosure | |
Dimensions | 4.3" x 5.5" x 2.4" inner enclosure |
7.9" x 11.8" x 3.9" outer enclosure | |
Power | 110V to 240V AC |
Operating Temperature | -10°C to 50°C |
Humidity | 0 to 95% |
Communications | 802.11b/g Wi-Fi and 3G/4G cellular |
As the data handling and report generation is handled by a web server, the computer requirements are very basic. To view the reports online you need the following:
If you want to download the measurements and work with them locally we recommend using Excel or similar spreadsheet. The files are simple CSV text files that will load into many different applications.
We keep things easy by including everything you need for an installation. Nothing is hidden and the first year of contract is included.
For most installations you just need order code EM2030/G, which includes hardware to mount the box and microphone to a wall. If you want to mount on a pole then add order code EMENCPOLE.
If your application demands audio recording or 1/3 octave band filters then add EM2030-AG or EM2030-O respectively.
You can order the EM2030 noise monitor online using the options above. Alternatively we may be able to accept your purchase order by fax or by email, dependent on a credit check.
If you would like a formal quotation sending through then drop us an email to info@noisemeters.com.
Here are some examples of the order codes you need for your noise monitor installation. All these include the first year of contract - mobile data communications and access to the cloud based reporting.
Order code EM2030/G has everything, including first year of contract.
You need the noise monitor order code EM2030/G and the options EM2030-AG and EM2030-O.
The standard noise monitor EM2030/G with the pole mount option EMENCPOLE.