Before starting to use the noise exposure calculator you must select the correct regulations for your region. The calculator supports most OSHA and ISO regulations used throughout the world, including USA, Canada, United Kingdom and Europe. For any regulations not covered you can select Custom and configure your own settings.
It can also be interesting to switch between regulations to see the different level of protection that are demanded.
Noise regulations (such as OSHA, MSHA, ACGIH and others) define action levels based on the Time Weighted Average, or % Dose, while the European and UK regulations use the daily noise exposure or LEP,d. These are calculated from a worker's daily exposure to noise - they are not based on simple snap-shots of the noise level. The worker's noise exposure can be measured using a Noise Dosimeter such as the doseBadge, which is worn throughout the working day. Otherwise, you can use a sound level meter to measure the average sound level at each location that the person is working at during a typical day.
To use the Noise Exposure Calculator, make noise measurements at each location and make note of how long the person works there. Enter these levels into the calculator.
Location | Purely for your reference, this is the noise measurement location. |
Sound Level | The average sound level measured for the worker at this location. |
Exposure Time | The length of time that the worker spends at this location each day. |
The TWA, Dose% and LEP,d results are color coded depending on the action levels:
Black | Level is below the action level. |
Red | Level is above the action level but below the criterion level. |
Red Bold | Level is above the criterion level. |
The calculator will accept sound levels between 40 and 140 dB. Exposure times can be up to 24 hours at each location with a limit of 24 hours on the total exposure time.